Enrolment form Bishop Foley Enrolment Form. Personal details of child being enrolled: Today's date: Name of child (as per birth cert) * First Middle Last Address: (please include Eircode) * Date of Birth: * Copy of child's birth cert: Select Image P.P.S. Number: Religion: Copy of child's baptism cert (if applicable) Select Image Child's nationality: Country of birth: Language spoken at home: Is your child allergic to any medication or food? * — Select — Yes No If yes please give details: Family details/ details of legal guardian/guardians: Mother/ Guardian's name: * Mother's country of birth: Mother/guardian's occupation: Mother/ guardian's phone number: * Mother/ guardian's work number: Email Address Father's name: Father's country of birth: Father's occupation: Father's phone number: Father's work number: Email Address Childminder/Relative/Neighbour who can be contacted if you are unavailable: 1. Name and telephone number of emergency contact: * 2. Name and telephone number of emergency contact: Details of previous school Name and address of school: * What class was your child in? Did your child receive Learning Support? — Select — Yes No If so please give details: Has your child ever been assessed in the following areas? — Select — Psychological Assessment Speech and Language Other Is there any other relevant information we should know? Please read and answer each statement below: The above details are correct and may be stored on computer as part of school records. The school may use these details to correspond with me by note,text, email etc... * — Select — Yes No I consent to the school supplying my child's details to the relevant Health Authorities where such information relates to providing dental care, immunisiation and/or healthcare normally provided through the school. * — Select — Yes No In the event of my child transferring to another school I consent to the forwarding of all school reports and records and any other relevant information to my child's new school. * — Select — Yes No I consent to the forwarding of all reports, results, assessments and any other relevant information from my child's previous school to Bishop Foley National School. * — Select — Yes No During your child's time in Bishop Foley School it may be necessary from time to time for teachers to carry out diagnostic testing with your child on an individual basis in order to help them in their educational development. I give my permission for any necessary diagnostic test to be carried out with my child. * — Select — Yes No I agree to support all school policies and in particular the school's Code of Behaviour. (Copies are available on the school website and /or the school office.) * — Select — Yes No I have no objections to school photographs/videos which may include my child appearing in the media and/ or on the school website subject to the acceptable use policy of the school. * — Select — Yes No My child may use electronic mail and the internet for educational purposes and subject to the acceptable usage policy of the school. * — Select — Yes No I give my permission for my child to go swimming and on school trips/tours involving his class. * — Select — Yes No In the case of a medical emergency I give permission for my child to be taken to hospital by ambulance if such an action is required. * — Select — Yes No I understand the school follows the Children First Child Protection Guidelines and has a responsibility to co-operate with statutory authorities in issues which may involve my child. * — Select — Yes No I understand that as a condition of enrolling my son in Bishop Foley School I must accept and abide by the School Code of Behaviour. I also agree to work with the school to resolve any issues relating to my son's behaviour. * — Select — Yes No I consent for this information to be stored on the Primary Online Database (POD) and transferred to the Department of Education and Skills and any other primary schools my child may transfer to during the course of their time in primary school. * — Select — Yes No