About the school

Bishop Foley Memorial National School, Carlow

About our School

We are a Catholic all boys school seeking to promote, throughout the school community, an ethos which reflects Christian teaching and values, and promotes an atmosphere and tolerance or respect for differing views and beliefs.

We see the school as part of the community, responsible to it, and providing an important community service. We take seriously our links with the community and encourage the involvement and interest of parents, management and others in the welfare of individual children, and in the school as a whole.

We seek to provide an excellent educational service, one that is planned and developed to the highest professional standards so that each pupil may benefit fully from their experience in Bishop Foley Memorial National School.

School Times:

School starts at 8.50 am.

School Dismissal Times:

Lunch Period: 12.25 pm โ€“ 12.50 pm.

School Closes: 2.30 pm.

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