DEIS Plan.

DEIS Plan 

               School: Bishop Foley NS 

  Roll No: 17053P 



School Context 

Patron: Catholic Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin. 

Chairperson: Ms Kathleen Carrig.

Principal: Mr John Kelly

Staff: 9 class teachers, 6 Learning support teachers and 1 HSCL. 2 SNAs. 1 secretary. Shared caretaker. 2 part-time cleaners. Pupils: 206 boys, from second to sixth class.  

Parents: Parents Association and parents’ nominees on board of management. 

Our DEIS Philosophy:  

This school exists for the pupils. The educational progress and welfare of each child is the over-riding consideration in decisions reached at by our teachers and board of management.  

Our Key Values:   

We believe in providing a holistic education for our pupils, employing the values of equality, enjoyment, experiential (practical) learning, excellence.   

Purpose of Plan:   

To bring about improvement in educational and social outcomes for those pupils considered to be under-achieving in educational and social terms due to disadvantage and to help them achieve their potential. 


The school uses Aladdin/pupil/parent/teacher questionnaires/fortnightly plans/ WRAT 5, YARC and NRIT diagnostic tests/teacher observation and reflection/standardised test results in Sigma and Micra-T/weekly spelling analysis/Drumcondra standardised spelling test/ pupils’ work/yearly plan/parental feedback/monthly reports.  

School Strengths:   

  • Pupils are actively engaged in learning in numeracy and literacy.  
  • Attainment levels are within the average range in numeracy and there is scope for improvement in literacy.  
  • School based programmes are implemented to promote pupil engagement and attainment in both numeracy and literacy.   
  • The school has a wide and appropriate range of resources for all class groupings.  
Review of Plan:

  • Teacher observation/teacher reflection and whole staff discussion at staff meetings will be the primary monitoring tool.  
  • Teachers will reflect on the implementation of targets and action in their own class groupings.  
  • Pupil feedback will be sought through oral questioning / questionnaires / observation pupil interaction.  
  • Continuous CPD will be offered to the whole staff.  
  • Regular reports will be used as a monitoring tool: e.g., HSCL’s progress reports.  
  • Standardised test score will be analysed using the analysis tool on the PDST website.  
  • Class Tests and teacher designed tests will be used to evaluate the plan.  
Success Criteria & Responsibility 

  • Teacher observations will be noted and collated.  
  • Standardised test scores will be analysed to determine achievement of target.  
  • Pupil and parental feedback will be used.  
  • Pupil and parental questionnaires will be used to evaluate success.  
  • Pupils’ work and samples of work will be monitored to evaluate success. 

All staff members are responsible for the implementing the targets and actions contained in this plan. 

The plan will be reviewed regularly at staff meetings. 

Promoting Attendance 

Summary Plan to promote Attendance 

  1. To increase number of children on good attendance [75%-89% present] from 36% to 45% over three years. 
  2. To reduce the number of children on average attendance [50%-74%] from 8% to 5% over three years.
  3. To increase the overall attendance level from 88.6% to >90% over three years.
  4. To continue with current practice of monitoring, reviewing and reports on attendance 
  5. To continue with recording and analysis of attendance using Aladdin.
  6. To increase awareness of the link between attendance and attainment 
  7. To increase awareness of the issues surrounding poor attendance 
  8. To improve punctuality of children in the mornings. 

Attendance will be tracked and monitored using a whole school approach. Principal, Deputy Principal, HSCL Coordinator, teachers, Board of Management and parents to be involved in supporting good attendance. In consultation with staff a rewards system to be put in place to support high attendance. Reporting of absenteeism by notification of parents by letters and referrals to TUSLA and EWO when necessary. Analysis of Data investigating link between attendance and attainment – standardised test scores, NRIT scores, attendance. 

Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
Daily tracking and monitoring of attendance. 

  • Encouraging children to be punctual 
  • Encouraging children to attend regularly. 
  • Absent notes: Keep notes explaining absences; Request written explanation if no note received. 
1, 2, 3, 5, 6 


All teachers  All teachers  Daily 

Further tracking and monitoring attendance 

  • Weekly meetings between HSCL and principal to analyse attendance. 
  • Strategy meetings when necessary 
  • HSCL to conduct home visits. 
  • Reward systems in place for class groupings with the highest combined attendance monthly 
  • Reward systems in place for children with the highest attendance yearly. 
  • Analysis of Data regarding the link between attainment and attendance 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  Principal, HSCL, Secretary  Principal, HSCL  Weekly 

Monthly Yearly 


Salse Pulse system 



  • Notify parents by letter when a child reaches 15/20 days absent 
  • Referrals to TUSLA to be made in chronic cases of non-attendance. 
2, 3, 4, 5  Principal, Secretary  Principal  When necessary  Aladdin system, Tusla referral letters 
Support to remove issues around poor attendance.

  • School lunches to be provided.
  • Homework club to be encouraged where appropriate. 
  • Involvement of children in sports activities provided in the school e.g., football, athletics.
  • HSCL to conduct home visits when necessary
1, 2, 5, 6  Principal, HSCL, All teachers  HSCL  Daily  Fresh Today foods 

 Cumann na mBunscol 

Promoting Literacy 

Summary Plan to promote Literacy 

1) To increase the % of children scoring between the 51st – 84th percentile by 7%.

2)To reduce the % of children scoring between the 17th – 50th percentile by 7%. 

3) To foster a love of reading in the pupils. 

  1. Encourage parental involvement  
Actions: Review formal assessment reults, 

               Purchase resources: My Read At Home scheme, Novel set to support C.J. Fallon scheme, Link with the local library, Book Club     commenced, reading achievements acknowledged in Assembly, DEAR daily in class teacher’s timetable

Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
  • Careful assessing from start to finish,e.g. RAIN test/ BURT, Drumcondra
  • Targeting individual needs, differentiation within class
  • Visit to local library, membership forms. 
  • Book review at Assembly and bookworm certificates awarded.
  • Teacher reads novel to class that is linked to class reader.
  • DEAR and My Read at Home introduced to each class and consistently done each day.
  • Book Club every Friday and Book Club for parents
1,2  SET,  CTs   Sept – May Formal assessments
1,2 & 3  CT  CTs  Books at various levels
1,2,3,4 SET & YM:  CT    TA  library
1,2,3  All classes  CTs & HSCL   
1,2 ,3  CTs  EH  Certificates and books
1,2 & 3  2nd – 6th CTs  CTs  Termly School library and My Read at Home scheme
1,2 ,3  All classes  CTs & HSCL 
All classes  CTs     
1,2,4  All classes  CTs    Books

Promoting Numeracy 

Summary Plan to promote Numeracy 

1) To maintain the % of children at or above the 81st percentile. 

2)To reduce the % of children scoring below the 16th percentile by 2%.

3) To develop the measures skills of the students. 

4) Link numeracy to other subject areas.                   

5) Encourage parental involvement 

Actions:  Review Sigma results; Develop use of concrete materials in all classes and monitoring their distribution. Peer-tutoring with focus on Maths games. Organise workshop in mathematical operations for parents as need arises. Relate Maths to everyday life. Source and purchase measures equipment and other maths equipment as needed.
Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
  • In class SET to assist with station teaching/maths lessons 
  • Pre-test, Teach, Re-test Maths topics relating to measures. 
  • Parents make maths games to assist their children’s learning
  • Use Sigma Results to get accurate information.  
  • Use of numeracy in Geography & Science –e.g. scale on maps, capacity, volume and speed in Science
1,2, &3 


SET, CT’s  Numeracy comm. Sept – May  Materials in maths press 


CT’s 2nd – 6th   CT’s Principal  Sept – May Teacher designed test


1,2 & 3 


SETs, CT’s  CT’s 2nd – 6th   Sept +May 

(Sept 2nd class)

1,2,3&4  CT ‘s CT  Sept- May   

Promoting Transition 

Summary Plan to promote Educational Progression 

  1. To support parents and children through the difficult phase of transfer from primary school to post-primary school. 
  2. To support parents and children through the difficult phase of transfer from preschool to primary school.  
  3. To build links between the preschools and the primary school to aid the transition process. 
  4. To build links between the primary and post primary school to aid the transition process.  
Actions: To introduce the transition programme My Child My Vision, adapted to suit the needs of our parents; To introduce a transition programme for preschool children. 
Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
  • Communication with relevant secondary schools re pupils enrolled. 
  • PASSPORTs filled out by children to aid transition. 
  • End of year reports to be passed on to relevant schools. 
1, 4  Class Teacher 

Deputy Principal  

HSCL Secondary 

School Personnel 

6th Class children 



Secondary School Transition Officer and HSCL 

 Class Teacher 





  • Recess Programme 
1, 4  MYDC to run with 

6th class children 


Audrey O’Reilly 




Recess Programme 


  • My Child My Vision Transition programme – adapted to suit the needs of local parents. 
  • Preparation for open nights and the application process, preparation for CAT 5 testing. 
  • Adjusting to post primary school 
  • HSCL to conduct home visits when necessary. 
1, 4  HSCL 











My Child My Vision 


Transition Programme for Preschool children 

  • Information meeting for parents 
  • Visit of children to new junior infant classroom 
  • Home visits to new parents to aid any stresses or worries of transitioning
2, 3  HSCL 




During enrolment 

 May of year of enrolment 

  September & October

Promoting Partnership with Parents 

Summary Plan To Promote Partnership With Parents 

  1. To improve parental involvement in the life of the school and particularly in curricular-related activities with their children. 
  2. To improve parents’ own educational needs and skills. 
  3. To ensure parents are active participants in their child’s learning both at home and in school. 
  4. To continue to improve the avenues of communication between the school and the home. 
  5. To increase the number of target parents engaging in parenting courses and classes 
Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
Courses for parental self-development 

  • Cookery classes  
  • Fitness classes 
  • Art and Craft courses 
  • I.T. classes 
  • English language classes 
  • Family First Aid 
1, 2, 3, 5  HSCL 

ETB Tutors 

Various tutors and facilitators 

HSCL  Courses to be run throughout the year – Two a term   
Information mornings 

  • Internet safety for children 
  • Drug misuse information 
  • Healthy Eating 
  • Budgeting for families 
  • Helping your child deal with anxiety 

1, 2, 3, 5 


ETB Tutors Community Garda 

HSCL  During Coffee mornings – once a term   

Courses to support parents in supporting their child. 

  • Maths Skills  
  • Literacy Skills 
  • Irish skills

1, 2, 3, 5 

HSCL  HSCL  Courses to be run throughout the year – two a term   
Communication with Parents 

  • Home visits by HSCL 
  • Parent-Teacher meetings 
  • School Twitter Account
  • School Website 
  • Induction meeting for 2nd class
  • Parents notice board. 
  • Aladdin Connect
 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  HSCL 

All teachers Principal 

Principal HSCL   

When necessary. 

Yearly – November Once a month 

Updated regularly. 

Yearly – June 

Updated regularly 

Develop parental involvement within the school. 

  • Maths 
  • Literacy  
  • Science  
  • Shared reading 
  • Local History 
1, 2, 3, 5  HSCL  HSCL 

Courses to be run throughout the year – one a term 


 Promoting Partnership with Others 

Summary Plan to Promote Partnership With Others 

  1. To maximise supports available to alleviate the effects of disadvantage for the children of the school.
  2. To maintain and strengthen current links with local voluntary and statutory agencies. 
Measures  Addressing Targets  Who  Lead responsibility  When  Resources 
Partnership with local groups: 

  • Other DEIS schools and HSCL Coordinators 
  • Homework Club
  • Local library and museum
  • Various local businesses e.g., Supervalu. 
1 & 2   HSCL   HSCL   Ongoing   
Partnership with Child support services 

  • NEPS A school representative

will attend meetings and 

communicate with NEPS regarding certain students. 

  • Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) 
  • TUSLA Child and Family Agency 
  • Health Services Executive (HSE)
  • Bernardos
  •  The Vault
1 & 2   Principal, 

Deputy Principal, HSCL

Principal,  HSCL  Ongoing   
Partnership to support Parent training 

  • Kilkenny/Carlow Education Training Board (KCETB) 
  • Kilkenny Education Centre 
  • Bernardos
 1 & 2   HSCL   



Partnership with 

  • Gardaí/Juvenile Liaison Officer (JLO) 
  • Youth Workers 
 1 & 2  HSCL  HSCL   When necessary   


Reviewed and ratified by the Board of Management on 21/06/2023