COVID-19 Active Week

Active Week: 

Monday 22nd– Friday 26th June


Warm-Up: 10 minute jog/cycle


  1. Leg raises (3 sets of 10)
  2. Star jumps (3 sets of 10)
  3. Your choice- choose an exercise from the charts below

Main Activity: Improve your Gaelic skills by completing some of the challenges here:

Fun Challenge: Time yourself running 3 laps of your garden. Try 5 more times. How fast can you run?

Cool Down: 10 minute easy run/walk

Nutritional tip – Vitamin C is important in keeping our body working. It keeps our gums, teeth and bones healthy and also helps our body to fight infections. Fruit and vegetables like oranges, kiwis, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes are great sources of Vitamin C.

Be mindful – Find a quiet place to sit at home. Close your eyes for 30 seconds. Slowly open your eyes and look around. Look for 5 things in the room that you’ve never noticed before.


Warm-Up: 10 minute jog/cycle


  1. Push-ups (3 sets of 10)
  2. Frog jumps (3 sets of 10)
  3. Your choice- choose an exercise from the charts below

Main Activity: Join Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) for a 30 minute fun workout.

Fun Challenge: Use a skipping rope or just imagine one if you don’t have one! Start skipping. Count to 30. How many skips can you do in 30 seconds? Take a short break and then skip again. See if you can beat your score.

Cool Down: 10 minute easy run/walk

Nutritional tip – We need calcium as we grow to keep our bones and teeth strong and to keep our muscles working properly. Calcium can be found in dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese.

Be mindful – It’s important to have some quiet time every day. Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet on the ground and hands in your lap. Close your eyes and listen to your breathing. Relax your body. When you’re ready open your eyes.


Warm-Up: 10 minute jog/cycle


  1. Crab walk (30 seconds X 3)
  2. Tuck jumps (3 sets of 10)
  3. Your choice- choose an exercise from the charts below

Main Activity: Today you can try some of the activities we have during Sports’ Day every year in school. Get all the family involved. Enjoy the activities and have fun!

  • Egg and Spoon Race: Choose where your race will start and finish. Balance an egg on a spoon. No thumbs allowed! Try not to drop the egg!
  • Fill the Bucket: Place the bucket a distance away (e.g. 2 metres). See how many clothes pegs you can toss into the bucket in 1 minute.
  • Sack Race: Choose where you will start and finish. Use an old potato sack or pillowcase. Hop along to the finish line!
  • Long Jump: Stand with your legs together and jump. Who can jump the furthest?
  • Balance on one leg: See how long you can balance for on one leg. If it’s too easy, try balancing on something like the edge of a kerb outside!

Fun Challenge: Leg Hold Race – Try this race with 2 or more people. Make a start and finish line. Each player has to bend over, keeping their legs almost straight and hold their ankles. When the race begins, walk forward to the finish line as fast as you can. For an extra challenge, try race walking sideways!

Cool Down: 10 minute easy run/walk

Nutritional tip – Take time for a healthy breakfast in the morning. It kick-starts the body and makes it easier to maintain lasting energy throughout the day.

Be mindful – It’s important to check in with yourself and your feelings! Take some time at the end of the day to think about how you got on. What made you feel happy or unhappy today? Why did it make you feel that way? Talk about it at home with an adult.


Warm-Up: 10 minute jog/cycle


  1. Heel walk (30 seconds X3)
  2. Arm circles (2 sets of 10 on each arm)
  3. Your choice- choose an exercise from the charts below

Main Activity: Join the presenters on 10@10 for some fun exercises

Fun Challenge: Bullseye- You will need a beanbag/sponge ball and a hoop/basin for this game. Place the hoop on the ground. Take 3 giant steps away from the hoop. Now throw your beanbag and see can you get it to land in the hoop. Every time it lands, you get a Bullseye point. Try to make it harder by taking 5 steps away from the hoop. Can you still get the beanbag into the hoop?

Cool Down: 10 minute easy run/walk

Nutritional tip – Make water the drink of choice at mealtimes. Quench your thirst and stay hydrated.  Keep sweet drinks as an occasional treat.

Be mindful – Go on a Listening Walk. Walk in silence and listen to all the sounds around you. Maybe you will hear bird songs, traffic, people chatting, leaves or trees moving in the breeze.


Warm-Up: 10 minute jog/cycle


  1. High knees (3 sets of 10)
  2. Tip toe walking (30 seconds X3)
  3. Your choice- choose an exercise from the charts below

Main Activity: Kidzbop have a variety of dance along videos. Join in and enjoy the exercise.

Fun Challenge: Plank it! Hold your body in the plank position (see chart below). Hold for 20 seconds, then 40 seconds. Can you hold for 1 minute?

Cool Down: 10 minute easy run/walk

Nutritional tip – Eat together at the table as a family. Prepare the food and set the table together. Have fun turning dinner time into a nice time spent with family.

Be mindful – Always think good thoughts about yourself. Be grateful for all the good things in your life. It’s lovely to receive a compliment but also to compliment others. Think of one nice thing to say to each member of your family.

Some ideas to keep you active during the summer months:

Keep Active with Carlow Sports Partnership

Becoming more active doesn’t have to mean organised sports, it can be any activity like Hopscotch or Kerbs, or if the weather keeps you indoors, Blind Man’s Buff or Simon Says. Here are some ideas from Safefood EU to get you started:

School of Parkrun! Since March, parkrun have been setting daily parkrun-themed tasks for children of all ages and the whole family to try together.

For more information on the School of Parkrun:

For those interested in all things Cricket, Cricket Ireland has put together a cricket colouring book to keep children occupied. They have also created a series of videos called #DIYCricket that will be sure to challenge you and improve your game.

For more information:

The website, What Moms Love, has put together a collection of 87 creative indoor activities and games for all the family to enjoy including tape and balloon based games.

Indoor games and activities for kids:



